Parking10 Alicant - Airport Parking10 Alicant - Train Parking10 Alicant - Port
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Collection of your vehicle
Select a dock:
* The handover of keys process and the vehicle audit can take 5 minutes. To optimize our service, please, call us 20 minutes before reaching port.
Return of your vehicle
Select a dock:
* To avoid waiting, call us 20 minutes before landing. If you arrival is delayed, DO NOT WORRY, let us know and we will wait for you.
Kind of parking place
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Our general online fee - Without any hidden surprises!

We offer the most competitive fees for long stay parking, pick-up and return of the vehicle, in the port of Alicante.

You can choose either outdoor or covered parking prices. Our comprehensive service to collect and return the car to the port is included in these prices (final prices are with VAT included).


The price per day is reduced the longer the stay, reaching a minimum of 1 € to the day.

For stays longer than one month, the price also includes a pick-up and delivery service of your vehicle at the meeting point (a service provided for each month of your stay).

There are other complementary services:
Complementary services fees

If you wish to arrange a wash or MOT test service, simply inform the driver when the driver picks up your vehicle from the port.

Parking 10 - mechanical service If you wish to contract a mechanical service, you must request a quote in advance by E-mail:

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Don't miss this super double offer, you will save time and money.
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